Thursday, September 9, 2010

journal notes pgs. 36 - 48

DIRECT & INDIRECT LIGHTING - the first image shows the conept of indirect light because the source of light, which is the sun, has no specific place where to direct its light to. the picture at the bottom is an example of using direct light because the room was pitch black when i took the picture and i had to use my flash directed at the floers in order for them to show up in the picture.

TIMING - i took this picture while we were driving on the Golden Gate Bridge and i had to time the shot perfectly to take the picture right when a person was walking by in order to show the concept of motion.

VIEWPOINT - (top) for this picture i used a wide-angle lens. my goal was to make her look as big as the windmill behinds her, so i knelt down and got closer to her until she was fully int he shot, head to toe.
(bottom) for this photo i changed my lens to the bigger one and walked far away, maybe about 20 feet and got the same shot of her, but with less of hte background, makign her look smaller than in the first picture.

PROPORTION - my cousin, on the left in the white shirt, is acutally only 4.9 feet tall, but next to her boyfriend's daughter, she looks a lot taller than she really is.

EMPHASIS - when taking this picture, i used my big lens to keep the emphasis on the flower. I used flasd and a wide aperture, creating a smaller depth of field so that the sharpest part of the image would be the flower.

MOVEMENT & RHYTHM - i took this picture facing the back window of the car when we were driving inside a tunnel. i slowed down my shutter speed so that more of the light could come in as we moved and tried to keep as still as possible.

UNITY & VARIETY - the picture at the top shows unity because o fthe unifed textures and colors on the mountain. however, the picture at the bottom shows a different variety of colors inthe flowers and leaves.


SYMMETRICAL BALABCE - this car is completely proportional on both sides to i decided to take a picture of it. i used a wide-angle lense and went farther and farther away from the car until i evenly got both sides of the car into my shot.

ASYMMETRICAL BALACE USING THE RULE OF THIRDS - i took this picture while my cousin was walking up to the wall to see the graffiti. it shows the rule of thrids because she is standing in the far right third of the shot.

RADIAL BALANCE - this picture portrays radial balance because the petals all radiate from the center of the flower.

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