Thursday, November 4, 2010

movie notes

  • photographs matter of life and death that we take for granted
  • some photos become huge parts of history and are proof that something really did happen
  • brownie camera
    • $1.00
    • small and solid
    • few controls
  • original kodak too expensive for most people
  • picture postcards --> newspaper photos
  • books didnt have pictures because it took too much money and time to hand glue them
  • National Geographic magazine
    • 1905
    • pioneered the printing of color photos
  • Edward Curtis
    • photographed American Indians
    • developed people's perception of what Indians should look like
    • dressed his subjects in clotehes he thought they should wear to fit people's stereotypes
  • people started editing photos
    • painted chemicals to look like brush strokes
    • scratched negatives
    • tried to make them look like paintings
  • became big part of industrial field
  • Gilbert - invented a motion detector for cameras
  • used photos to improve conditions
    • housing reform
    • child labor
  • straight photography
    • took things the way they looked in real life
    • focused on framing and line, shape, and form
  • censorship
    • government doesn't want anyone to see pictures of dead soldiers
  • people started staging photos

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